May 10, 2013

Posting over at The Polohouse

The Polohouse

Good morning, y'all!  Today I have the extreme honor of guest posting over at The Polohouse.  If you've read my blog at all, you should know what a huge fan I am of Alison at The Polohouse blog.  I feel like she's a mentor as well as a friend and fellow-lover of all things tartan.  Please come over and visit me at THE POLOHOUSE

Alison's Kitchen

May 1, 2013

Tartans and Daisies and Dogs, Oh My!

Today I'm joining Alison over at The Polohouse for her Favorites on the First linky party.  This month's party features beautiful, lovely flowers.  What a great party!

While the above photo might be a bit cheesy and is certainly staged, I really do take Bitsy on my bike for rides, sans tartan blanket and yellow daisies.  She's pretty sure that she doesn't like it, but so far she hasn't tried to bail out.  

I have a window box outside my kitchen window.  I just planted it with calla lilies, begonias, creeping jenny and potato vine, among others:

It looks pretty good now, but we'll see how it looks in August after another scorching Texas summer.  Fingers crossed!

And finally, I ran by the grocery store and bought this bouquet of hydrangeas and roses.  I love the way it looks in my blue and white tureen:

It's sitting on my old oak chest of drawers in our library/living room.

  I don't use very much orange in my decorating, but it's hard to beat that pop of color against the blue.

I was recently at an absolutely GORGEOUS home store in Kansas City.  I'm planning to do a post on Nell Hill's store soon, but I'll leave you with this "teaser" photo:

Matches my hydrangea arrangement, don't ya think?

Thanks, Alison, for hosting another fun party!